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Hey, Vegans! Complete-Protein Meals Under 400 Calories

Hey, Vegans! Complete-Protein Meals Under 400 Calories


Hey, Vegans! Complete-Protein Meals Under 400 Calories

If you want gorgeous, radiant locks or to heal fast from that pulled hamstring after dropping into a split, then protein is a must. Every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies is made up of protein, so getting your fill is important when it comes to building and repairing your cells. Protein is made up of amino acids, 12 of which are produced by the body. The other nine, called essential amino acids, must be obtained from our diet. Complete proteins contain all nine, and since red meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and dairy are complete proteins, those who eat meat and milk are in the clear. If you’re avoiding animal products, then you’ll need to eat plant-based complete proteins and combinations of foods to make up the difference.

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